Jude Hayward
GP / GPwSI in Genetics / Primary Care Advisor / RCGP Joint Clinical Champion for Genomics,
Affinity Care / Yorkshire Regional Genetics Service / HEE GEP / RCGP
Dr. Jude Hayward is a GP in Bradford and GPwSI in Genetics with the Yorkshire Regional Genetics Service, within which she provides a clinical service for Familial Cancer, Inherited Cancer Predisposition Syndromes and Neurofibromatosis Type 1. She has longstanding interests in education and implementation of Genomics in the context of Primary Care. She is Primary Care Lead for Health Education England GEP, Co-chair of the HEE GEP / NHSEI Primary Care Special Interest Group in Genomics, leading on Primary Care Workforce Development and Education. She is also RCGP Co-clinical champion for Genomics in Primary Care with Dr. Imran Rafi and Primary Care Lead for NEY GMSA.