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Dr Victoria Tzortziou Brown OBE

Dr Victoria Tzortziou Brown OBE

RCGP Vice Chair External Affairs, Royal College of General Practitioners
Victoria is a GP in east London and the RCGP Vice Chair for External Affairs, having previously co-chaired the RCGP Health Inequalities group. She combines research and extensive clinical commissioning experience. As a clinical commissioner, Victoria led on Integrated Care working with providers, the local authority, the voluntary sector and the local community towards improving healthcare provision and equity of access. She is currently the Research and Innovation lead of NE London ICB, leading on the evaluation of social prescribing and working with NHSE, academic and VCSE partners towards increasing participation and diversity in research. In her academic role at the Wolfson Institute of Population Health, Queen Mary University of London, Victoria undertakes research on health policy with a particular focus on the design and evaluation of healthcare interventions and their impact on professional behaviour and health inequalities. She is a Founding Senior Fellow of the Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management and a non-executive director at Turning Point.

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