Claire Fuller
Medical Director for Primary Care,
Surrey Heartlands ICS
Dr Claire Fuller, a practicing GP, is Chief Executive of the Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care System (ICS) which came into effect formally on 1st July 2022. Prior to that, Claire was Senior Responsible Officer for the ICS, a role she held since 2017, alongside that of Interim Accountable Officer for NHS Surrey Heartlands CCG (from 2020).
Claire has been a practicing GP since 1995, spending most of her career in Surrey, with a spell in Northumberland, where she worked in a single-handed rural practice.
In November 2021 Claire was invited by NHS England Chief Executive Amanda Pritchard to lead a national piece of work looking at primary care within integrated care systems to identify what was working well and why. The output became known as the Fuller Stocktake and was co-signed by all 42 ICS Chief Executives who committed to the recommendations. Next steps for integrating primary care: the Fuller stocktake was published in May 2022.