Catherine Fernando
Sessional GP with an interest in Dermatology/ MB ChB, MRCP, MRCGP, DCH, DFSRH,
Orchard Medical Practice, Haddington, East Lothian
Dr Catherine Fernando is an experienced Scottish GP with a passion for Dermatology. She recently completed the Cardiff Diploma in Practical Dermatology with Distinction and is a great advocate of Dermoscopy for GPs. She loves teaching and is involved in the Edinburgh Regional GPST Training program. Prior to becoming a GP, Catherine gained the MRCP and worked as a specialist registrar in Rheumatology. Her other varied interests include: Women’s Health, Child Health, and Sexual and Reproductive Health.
In addition to practicing medicine, Catherine is a mother of 4, and CEO of IYASU, a company that designs medical bags, celebrates female healthcare workers, and supports girls’ education worldwide.