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Amit Sharma

Amit Sharma

GP Partner, Brookside Group Practice/Earley+ PCN
Amit is a GP leader who currently works as the lead for the place based Berkshire West GP Leadership Group as well as the Federation, BW Primary Care Alliance. He is the GP Partner lead for Strategy at Brookside Group Practice, and is the clinical director for the single practice, 4 site, 31,000 patient PCN. His work includes representing GP across Bucks, Oxford and Berkshire West on digital, with his PCN at the cutting edge of innovation. He is a physician associate trainer, and his PCN is a large employer of PAs. He has worked in various other roles including some ad hoc management consultancy. His main clinical interest is mental health and his PCN has set up a health and wellbeing team. He is also involved in leadership within his church, and enjoys history, politics and reading. He is married to a fellow GP partner and has a son.

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